1808/1809 subscribers list-who lived where.

In the annual reports of 1808/1809 there is a list of subscriptions received. Though the main thrust of this site is to highlight the extreme poverty in Dublin in these years this list gives an insight into where the more affluent members of Dublin society resided. From the perspective of the 21st century it is strange to see so many living in and around the south inner city in streets that are considered today to be less desirable parts of the city.

Act of Union

After the Act of Union many former residents of the city moved out for various reasons so it is surprising to see members of the Guinness family living in Thomas Street or Samuel Bewley living in Meath Street carrying on a business of tea merchant and silk importer  and poplin manufacturer.


Some subscribers chose not to provide their address including members of the banking family LaTouche.

In the 1830s it was suggested that only 10% of subscribers to the hospital were Roman Catholic and it is reasonable to assume that the percentage was the same in this period.The list is therefore a look into protestant Dublin.

The normal subscription was £1-2s-9d though some exceed that figure handsomely.

These were the largest subscriptions received


b clarke&sons bride street £9 2 0
arthur guinness thomas street £10 0 0
mr. thompson per morgan crofton ? £11 7 6
robert shaw foster place £11 7 6
e byrne&co. mullinahack £11 7 6
earl of ross ? £20 0 0
rt. hon.d. la Touche&co ? £22 15 0
luke white gardiners row £22 15 6

The original lists were arranged alphabetically but they are rearranged here to show where subscribers lived.

street index

The original alphabetically lists are included in the 1808 report and the 1809 report is included in this link.